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What services do you offer?

We provide a wide range of electrical control and instrumentation services and provide a diverse portfolio of other services which include:

  • Hazardous Area Inspection and Maintenance.
  • Temperature and pressure Calibration.
  • Calibration equipment hire.
  • Onsite instrumentation calibration.
  • PAT Inspection and Testing.

Benefits of using Apexio Industrial calibration services?

  • Traceable calibration records and labelling of test equipment.
  • A fully asset managed service or simple solution.
  • Reliable on-site calibration service.
  • Deliver to promised turnaround times.
  • Help when you need it most to complete urgent jobs.
  • All records are traceable for the purpose of external audited systems.

What safety measures do you have in place?

We take Health & Safety very serious and we and our employees are committed to a safety culture and vigilant approach to safe operations. We are committed to the continuous improvement of our safety management systems and safe working procedures, which are audited, reviewed and updated regularly to meet environmental changes and industry legislation.

What kind of calibration certificates does Apexio Industrial offer?

Apexio Industrial can issue UKAS/NATA traceable certificates for temperature, humidity and gas instruments with internal or external probes. The standard certificate includes three different measurement points, but we can issue certificates covering anywhere from one to five points.

How often do I need to calibrate a thermometer?

The more regularly that thermometers and measuring devices are calibrated and certified, the more assured you will be of their accuracy. We recommended you obtain a certificate at least every 12 months.

Can I calibrate a thermometer or pressure gauge myself?

Yes, Apexio Industrial sell a large range of temperature calibration equipment and pressure calibration equipment.

These include reference thermometers and gauges that are ideal for comparison checking the calibration and accuracy of other pressure measurements gauges, transmitters, thermometers and probes, when used in conjunction with a stable pressure or temperature heat or chill source.

However, conducting calibration activities yourself may not be as accurate or provide as certain results as sending off your instruments to a UKAS / NATA traceable certified laboratory.

What is uncertainty in calibration terms?

As with any measuring or calibration activity, there will always be a probability of inaccuracy due to equipment or human error, or inconducive testing environments. Each measurement therefore has an uncertainty factor which is stated as a tolerance of plus or minus the measured figures. Apexio Industrial laboratory offers certified uncertainties from ±0.02°C.

What does traceability mean in calibration?

When a thermometer or pressure manometer undergoes calibration, its readings are checked against a reference source. The reference source must have already had a calibration test using an even higher standard than the one currently being done.

Every time a device has a calibration test using a thermometer that has been calibrated to a higher standard, it forms a chain. When this chain is unbroken and leads back to the highest-level reference thermometer in a national calibration centre (or equivalent) it becomes traceable.

What are the food safety compliance temperatures?

Food Agency publishes temperature guidelines for food holding and cooking . You can use your Apexio Industrial thermometer to check temperatures and minimize food-borne illness in your kitchen. Bacteria thrive between the temperatures of 4.5°C and 60°C. Food should not be stored between these temperatures for extended periods of time. Some leftover foods must be reheated to minimum temperatures to assure sufficient "kill rates" of bacteria or parasites.

Holding hot foods 63°C or higher 
Holding cold foods less than 8°C
Fridge temperature 4.5°C or colder
Freezer temperature 18°C to -23°C